Friday 27 March 2009


My name is Rod Ward and I have been a professional violin, viola and cello maker since 1976. I use traditional techniques to hand craft high quality instruments from the finest materials. I make my instruments in the style and finish of the old masters. My instruments are owned by professional players, students and amateurs alike.

I have a website with information about my instruments and my work. There is also an informative photo essay about the process of making a viola on the site.

I will be using this blog as a kind of online diary, somewhere to publish information about what is happening in the workshop and instrument making in general.


  1. Nice website, what are you making at the moment?

  2. Thanks. I am currently working on Gasparo da Salo model viola with a back length of 15 5\8th", 398 mm. The viola will have double purfling and clover leaf purfling patterns, as on the viola page on my website. I will be posting some shots of its progress on this blog as it develops.

  3. How is the new workshop coming on? When do the courses start?
