Thursday 6 January 2011

Today I put the first ribs into a new viola. The "C" ribs always go in first. This viola is being made for a previous customer, and is a cutaway model, originally designed by Otto Erdesz in the 1970's. It is a copy of the viola owned by Rivka Golani, the famous violist. Back length is nearly 17 inches, or 430mm. A large viola made more playable by the cutaway. The original instrument can be heard on Rivka's many recordings.
The image of the completed viola, prior to final varnishing, is of an instrument I made for a client in 2007. The shot shows the cutaway very well. The ground coat is applied and showing its reflectivity.
This instrument has been in professional use since it was completed.
I will post the progress of the new viola as it goes along.
I am looking forward to seeing old friends, and new people at Manchester Chamber Music Festival, at RNCM next week. Please come along if you are in the area.