Sunday 13 May 2012

Our Open Day at the Workshop will be on Sunday 27th May 2012. - a fortnight from today.

I will have violins, violas and cellos to see and try, including my latest work, and work in progress. The workshop is open from 10.00 am to 6 pm. Please contact me if you would like to try any specific instruments, and I will arrange a time and space for you to do so.
Prices range  from £1500 upwards.

Coffe, tea and home made cakes available as long as stocks last! These are free.

The viola in the previous blog is now sold. This is the next viola of the same Paolo Testore  model. This viola should be ready for inspection on the Open Day. The ground colouring has been applied here to the scroll, sides and back. The front colour comes from the ground coat, which is applied to the whole viola.

This is Henry and Henrietta who inhabit the land next to my cottage, eating in my garden. We are expecting chicks any day now. The photo is taken from the workshop window. Henry, being a pheasant, is beautiful, none too bright, noisy, and hilarious.

My phone no. is 01763 852 377.

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