Sunday 19 December 2010

The body of the new 16 inch, 412mm, "Brescian" viola is now assembled. I usually finish the edges of instruments after the back and front are glued to the sides.It gives a little more character to the finished instrument than finishing the outline before the plate is arched and thicknessed.
I have worked both ways, but prefer the later outline finishing. It is generally reckoned that the Cremonese makers worked this way. There is also on most Old Italian instruments a slight difference in the curve of the treble side and bass side top bout outline, such that the treble side, where the hand would go in playing in the higher positions, is a bit more curved downwards. This is easy to do if you finish the edges after assembling the body. If you would like a more detailed explanation on this, or any other matter in my postings, please email me or use the comment box.
The scroll for the viola is also progressing nicely.
The pictures show the body of the viola prior to finishing the interior of the viola, and the part made scroll.

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